July 10,

Mornings can be rough. Maybe you had a less than stellar night’s sleep. Maybe your mind was racing with all the things you’ll need to get done the following day and it kept you up into the wee hours of the night. Or maybe you just flat out are NOT a morning person. But hey, that’s ok!

I’ll admit, most days I’m a total morning person and I typically don’t sleep in past 7 o’clock or 7:30 at the latest. Once I’m up, I’m ready to start my day and get things going. Honestly, my morning routine isn’t anything too crazy, and it’s definitely something that everyone can follow along with if they want to. So today I’m sharing with you what a typical morning for me looks like, crazy kids and all!


Usually I’m up for about thirty minutes while the kids are still sleeping. The first thing I always do is open up the blinds and windows to let in some natural light and fresh air, and make myself a cup of coffee. Lately I’ve been adding ground cinnamon into my coffee and you guys, it is SO good! PS, my coffee mug addiction is real, and these are a few of my favorites!


Once I feel like I’m a little more awake, I like to do a little yoga or stretching to get my body warmed up and my blood flowing. One of my favorite ways to practice yoga at home is by turning on a video from Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. Her videos are perfect for everyone and she has something for pretty much all your needs. Even if I only have ten to fifteen minutes to get some yoga in, she has videos for that!

Usually around this time is when the kids wake up. And by kids wake up, I mean Hunter starts making noise and usually crawls over to Madilynn and wakes her up so he’s not awake by himself. I’ll go back and give them both lots of hugs and kisses, and bring them into the living room to have a little snack before breakfast and watch a little bit of cartoons while I finish up with my morning. (and by snack, it’s usually something like an apple sauce pouch, yogurt melts, toast, or some sort of fruit)


To finish up my “me-time” in the mornings, I like to fill up one of my tumblers with ice water and fresh squeezed lemon, and do a bit of journaling as well. I love to start my writing with at least 3-5 things that I’m grateful for every morning so that I’m starting my day off on a positive note. Whether it’s simple things like “enjoying hot coffee” or “a good night’s rest” or things with more substance like “had a really great talk with a close friend” or “getting so much support with my blog re-launch”, starting the day with a grateful heart is always going to set you up to have a better and more positive day! 


I also like to include a daily affirmation when I’m journaling, along with a couple mantras I’ve been loving and my goals for the day. I notice a big difference in the way I feel overall when I’m journaling every morning, compared to when I don’t. I feel much more motivated, inspired, calm, happy, and excited for things to come. If you’re not already journaling, but you’re wanting to find a way to get yourself more into a routine every morning, I highly recommend starting! You don’t need anything fancy either! Just a spiral notebook and something to write with and you’re golden!

So that’s what my typical mornings look like you guys. Like I said, it’s nothing too crazy but it definitely works for me! It allows me to get up and enjoy some quiet before the craziness of the day starts, and I start my day off on a positive, productive foot as well! I hope you all enjoyed taking a peek at how my day starts, and I’d love to hear what your morning routines look like! Let me know down in the comments!!

Comments (2)

  • Brandi

    July 25, 2019 at 11:09 pm

    Lol my coffee mug addiction is real as well! I follow a few of the same things you do. Journaling plus 3-5 things I’m grateful for. My notebook and journal addiction is real as well….lol. I want to start implementing some yoga or stretching as well. Thank you for sharing this Krystal.


      July 26, 2019 at 2:32 am

      I love it!! coffee mugs are the best! and you definitely have to take advantage of the back to school sales to stock up on new journals so you get cute ones for great prices! 😉 Check out Yoga with Adrienne for sure! she has yoga and stretches for EVERYONE!

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July 11, 2019