August 1,

Well, here it is, August 1st! Which means it’s the start of a new journey for me. I’ve decided to give going vegan a try. And although the series is going to be called “30 Days of Vegan”…I’m actually going to be doing this for the entire month of August so it will really be 31 days but #technicalities .

I’m really excited to try this out and see if it makes a difference for me at all. I’ve thought about it quite a few times but I never had the confidence in myself that I could actually follow through with it. Now I do though and I can’t wait to share my journey with all of you! My goal by the end of August is to see if there are any positive changes in my mood, energy levels, stomach/bloating, and skin/appearance.

I know there are so many bad ingredients in other foods and processed foods/dairy & all of that so I’m hoping that by cutting all of that out, I will notice a difference for the better. My plan for this series is to also share with you some healthy grocery hauls, recipes I find/make that I really like, and What I Eat in a Day posts. If there are any other kind of posts you’d like to see in this series though, please let me know down in the comments!

One last thing before I go! If you are vegan or have a more plant based diet, and have recipes that you LOVE or things you eat all the time, I’d love to hear what they are down in the comments below! I’m basing all of my food trials off of things I find on Pinterest so all ideas and recommendations are welcome!

Comments (2)

  • Jamie

    August 11, 2019 at 11:49 pm

    My fav: !

    Black Bean & Quinoa Soup. I usually add peppers and sweet potatoes, and kinda make it my own, and it’s always so delicious and easy to make 🙂


      August 12, 2019 at 5:28 pm

      yum!! thank you! that sounds so good! once it cools down a bit here I’ll definitely have to make it!

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