How To Get Out Of A Funk

May 24,

We’ve all been there. I’m sure the majority of us have been there at least once (probably more) during the past two months, especially with everything going on and being stuck in quarantine!

Today was a major turning point for me though. I finally had enough of feeling STUCK. I had enough of feeling frustrated and for reasons I couldn’t even put into words. Honestly, for me, there are few things that are worse than feeling like I’m in a terrible mood, and no ACTUAL reason of why. Sure, given the circumstances, there are plenty of “reasons” why I’ve been in a weird mood, but not having one in particular, makes it a little more frustrating because there’s not just one thing to do to change it.

Since I know I’m not the only one feeling this way, I figured I’d share some of my tips and tricks to help pull myself out of this weird mood!

Establish That You’re In A Funk

Ok, I know this sounds like a really dumb tip, BUT stay with me. If we’re constantly in a weird mood and feeling frustrated, angry, sad, or just overall NOT like ourself, then we need to stop, take a minute to breathe and say to ourself “OK! I’m not feeling like myself. Something is off. Let’s move forward” Declaring and recognizing that our mood is off is going to allow us to get out of the funk faster than if we just sit in an uncomfortable state.

Give Yourself Grace

A friend of mine said this to me the other day when I was feeling like I was having a really off day and man is that good advice. It’s OKAY to not feel 100% every second of every day. Once you’ve acknowledged that you’re feeling off, give yourself a break and let yourself feel the feelings for a little bit. Allowing yourself to feel your emotions will actually help you to move THROUGH being in a weird mood instead of prolonging it! Feel the feels, and know that this too shall pass!

Practice A Little (Or A LOT!) Self-Care

I don’t know about you, but whenever I’m feeling really down and stuck, I’m usually not exactly in the mood for, well, ANYTHING. One thing I have found though is that when I make myself do things I typically really enjoy, I start to feel loads better. Just the other day I was having what felt like “a day from Hell” (not even going to try to sugar coat that one…I was a complete mess). I poured myself another cup of coffee, grabbed a couple of my favorite nail polish colors and took myself outside to give myself a nice little mani pedi. And you know what, I started feeling better within MINUTES! Trust me when I say I know it’s hard to feel like you want to do anything when you’re feeling bleh, but if you can try to work yourself back into your “feel-good” habits, it will work wonders!

Move Things Around

If you can, try moving things around in your house, room or apartment. Sometimes we can get stuck because of all the stagnant energy surrounding us so moving things around will help a ton! I’m sure you’ve heard of “Feng Shui” but did you know that it’s not just for looks?? It’s actually believed that the world is driven by unseen forces and energy which means when you move things around, you’re “unblocking” the way and allowing the energy to move freely, thus creating more inspiration and allowing those happy vibes to get flowing again! *I just did this recently and did a huge organize & clean session and I was shocked at how much better I felt just after moving the couches and doing some laundry!*

Write Out A Gratitude List

This is honestly one of my favorite things to do! I do it (almost) every day and I absolutely notice a huge difference when I don’t. Typically I like to start my day with a list of things I’m grateful for which gives me a quick little mood boost early in the morning and allows me to start my day on a positive note. However, some days are harder than others and I find that when I write out little things here and there that I’m grateful for throughout the day, I’m better able to fight the yuck feeling and keep it from lingering. *helpful trick; get yourself a cute new journal that makes you feel excited and inspired every time you see it. even if the ONLY thing you’re doing with it is writing gratitude lists!*

I hope this list gave you a few helpful tips that you’re able to use in your own life, especially if you’ve been feeling like your stuck or just feeling off lately.

What are ways that you help get yourself out of a funk? Let me know in the comments!

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