July 11,

With so many different types of social media these days, I think it’s safe to say that sometimes we can be a little harder on ourselves than we should be. I’m sure at least some of you can relate on being guilty of comparing yourself to the other people and accounts you see online. That in itself can make you feel like you’re lacking, or need to “do better” or “be better” in some way. But ya know what’s even better than comparing yourself?


It might sound cliché, but honestly, if you’re confident in yourself and your ability to absolutely crush it on the daily, there is literally no need to compare yourself to what anyone else is doing. Since I’m still working on this myself (and honestly, I think it’s something we can always work on) I wanted to share some of the things I’ve been implementing to help build up my own self confidence and cut out the comparison.

Simple Ways to Build Your Self Confidence

DO MORE OF THE THINGS YOU LOVE – when you’re doing the activities and things you love, the things that really light you up, it brings your vibration higher and not only makes you happier, but you start exuding that happiness and a sort of “glow from within” that people will recognize. You’re raising your vibration and attracting those higher-vibe things which in turn will make you feel better and brings out an inner confidence you may not have known you had!

 UPDATE YOUR WARDROBE – let me explain! I’m not saying you need to ditch everything you currently have and buy a whole new wardrobe. (although, if you wanted to do that, then girlfriend do your thing!) by updating your wardrobe, I mean choose more things that make you feel AMAZING! When you’re trying things on, if it’s not a “HELL YES!” then it’s a no. When you feel good in what you’re wearing, you’ll walk a little differently and feel more confident in yourself. (*I’ve been wearing more jumpsuits and rompers lately and I am livingggg for them!*)

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO LIFT YOU UP – take a look at your friend group and see if they’re the sort of friends who lift you up, support you and encourage you. OR if they’re the kind of friends who are there when THEY need someone, or if they’re seemingly more negative any time you guys talk. You want to surround yourself with people who are encouraging and high vibe like you are (or want to be!) and who will continue to make you feel awesome. If you’re constantly hearing only negative things and people complaining, that’s only going to make you start doubting yourself too and cause you to be negative yourself.


FOCUS ON THE GOOD – when you focus on the good things that are in your life, or just going on in general, you’re more likely to feel happy and excited about everyday things. When you’re feeling happy and excited, you’ll bring your vibration up and attract more high-vibe things, people, opportunities, customers, clients, etc. And when you’re attracting all of those great positive things, you’ll notice a big shift in how you feel in YOURSELF! Allowing your self-confidence to improve as well!

How do you work on building self-confidence? Would you add anything to this list??

Comments (4)

  • Stephanie

    July 25, 2019 at 12:39 am

    I loved this one!! And I loved how you talked about the new wardrobe!! Loll because it’s so true! I heard a saying a long time ago “when you look good you do good and when you do good, you feel good!” And it’s has forever stuck with me (obvi) lol such a simple yet impactful reminder to take care of and love ourselves!


      July 25, 2019 at 1:26 am

      Yes !!! I love that so much!! It absolutely is a great way to remember that! I feel like we can so easily forget those things!

      1. Brandi

        July 25, 2019 at 11:21 pm

        I loved this! Self confidence is something I never really struggled with until my marriage of 20 years ended due to infidelity. That is when my self confidence hit the ground. It has taken me about 4 years now to get it back. I have recently started removing all the negative people and energies around me. This is huge. I will agree with a new outfit or two that makes you feel on top of the world ate a must.


          July 26, 2019 at 2:30 am

          you are such a beautiful and amazing woman brandi!! your ex definitely wasn’t a very bright man I can tell you that! you deserve nothing but amazing things and I know they’re coming to you! a new outfit is always a must! plus a little pampering like a mani/pedi or a tan! those always help boost my mood!

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