August 12,

It’s not selfish to prioritize your happiness, to take care of yourself, or to love yourself. It’s one hundred percent necessary.  

If you’re the one who’s usually taking care of the kids, keeping the house together, doing the dishes, finishing all the laundry, getting the grocery shopping done, etc., then you definitely need to make sure that you’re making self-care a priority in your daily routine. Whether that means incorporating a little something every day, once a week, or a few times each month, I highly recommend adding it into your routine as often as you can. Trust me when I say, you’ll notice a huge difference in the way you’re feeling, both physically and mentally.  

Today I wanted to share some easy ways to practice self-care, and how you can incorporate little things into your routine. Some are a little more luxurious things you can do if you have the time and chance to do them! 


  • Read a book 
  • Diffuse your favorite essential oils
  • Treat yourself to a mani/pedi
  • Get outside for a walk in the fresh air
  • Listen to one of your favorite podcasts
  • Go get coffee with a friend or loved one
  • Spend the day at the spa
  • Get your hair done
  • Go out for drinks with your girlfriends
  • Watch your favorite movie or tv show
  • Enjoy your favorite snack (and don’t feel guilty about it!)
  • Spend time at the beach 
  • Call your bestie
  • Treat yourself to something you’ve had your eye on lately
  • Take a trip to somewhere you’ve been wanting to visit

 Now you may be asking, “Why is it important to practice self-care?” and I’ll tell you. If you’re constantly giving, giving, giving, eventually, you’re not going to have anything left to give, right? You may start to feel exhausted, depleted, resentful, frustrated, irritable. The list goes on. BUT, when you make yourself a priority and focus on doing things for you, you’ll notice a big shift in how you feel. You’ll probably start to feel happier, more energized, hopeful, excited.  

Like I said, practicing self-care doesn’t have to be the most extravagant experience every time. Simply doing things that light you up will have a huge impact as well. For example, I know personally that when I take about 30 minutes every day to read or journal, I feel so much better and more relaxed throughout the day. It’s something I love to do and I know that I’m taking time for MYSELF, and not just worrying about everything and everyone else around me. Now, yes it can be hard when you’re a mama and you have your little ones running around or a new baby and everything like that, BUT, the point is that you need to be sure you’re doing something for yourself occasionally so that you’re able to be the best you that you can.  

Remember, it’s not selfish to put you first. It’s not selfish to do things for yourself. It’s not selfish to make you a priority. It’s necessary. So, with that, I encourage each and every one of you to start incorporating a little more self-care into your routine. Whether you decide to start small, or go big, start now! You won’t regret it!

How do YOU practice self care? Do you practice it often? What is your favorite form of self care??

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