Women Supporting Women

March 9, 2020caffeinatedmomma@outlook.com

I’m not really even sure how to start this post. I feel like although I share about it a lot on my Instagram, it’s something that I feel needs to and should be shared so much more often and on so many more platforms.


It’s kind of a given isn’t it? You want your friends and other women to succeed. You want them to reach their goals. Go for their dreams. Reach for the stars. After all, it’s what we tell our kids. “You can do anything you put your mind to”, “Keep trying, you’ll get it”, “Never give up”. But then, as we get older, somehow we forget that it’s OKAY to encourage others. It’s OKAY for other people to be successful. It’s OKAY to have people in the same field, business, industry, and have you BOTH or ALL be successful at the same time.

Somehow, we start to think that if one of us is doing well, there will somehow be a shortage in customers, clients, traffic, business, money that comes to us. We get stingy. We get greedy. We get possessive. We don’t want to share the tips and tricks of how we became successful. We want to keep all the good little nuggets of success to ourselves, to help “ensure” that we’ll stay successful.

Well guess what babe?


I think it’s safe to say, that with over 1 billion people in the world, we can all afford to share tips, tricks, and advice with others in order to help them also be successful in whatever journey or goal they’re working toward.

We all started at zero. We all started on the bottom. We all started at the beginning. We probably all read the blogs, asked others for advice, read articles, looked up information, and listened to podcasts or something of the sort in order to start out. BUT, what if those people DIDN’T write those books/articles/blogs? What if those people DIDN’T record those podcasts? It would be a whole lot harder to get to where we want to be.

I think a big thing for us to realize, is that there is MORE than enough for all of us in the world. There is so much opportunity, so much abundance, so much greatness available for all of us, we just have to be OKAY with seeing others succeed along side of us! We need to get out of our own way. Stop having a lack mindset, and start seeing the TRUE opportunity that’s in front of us. I definitely believe in karma, and I think that when you’re putting out the good vibes, cheering people on from the sidelines, giving when you can, encouraging always, motivating and lifting others up, ALL of those good things are going to come back around for you, tenfold! BUT it has to come from a place of selflessness. It has to be because you’re being true and authentic and REAL. You have to actually want to see others happy and see others succeed. Not because you want something in return, not because you want to LOOK like you care, or because you want to LOOK like you’re doing all these things for others. It has to be REAL. The Universe works in amazing ways babe, and if you can access those parts of you to really start believing in the abundance that it has to offer you, trust me, you’ll start seeing amazing things happen to and for you!

So I’ll leave you with this. Be OPEN to sharing your tips and tricks if you have them. Don’t be afraid to give advice. Stop worrying about other people being successful and “not leaving anything for you”. Get out of your own way. Leave the fear and negativity behind you. Look forward, see yourself and others being abundant and happy. And step into that place of amazingness.

Trust me, You’ve got this babe!

What is one way you love to support the babes in your life? I’d love to hear!

Comments (2)

  • Melissa Apodaca

    March 9, 2020 at 9:04 pm

    LOVE your blog page & the message for women supporting each other instead it trying to make it a competition.

    1. caffeinatedmomma@outlook.com

      March 9, 2020 at 10:52 pm

      thank you so much! that means a lot!! I truly think we can do amazing things if we’re working together instead of against each other! us ladies are pretty powerful beings! <3

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