20 [More] Ways To Practice Self Care

December 2, 2020caffeinatedmomma@outlook.com

I wrote a post on this topic last year in August which you can check out here, but there are no wrong ways to practice self care. Find something you love doing that makes you happy and you’re good! Even if it’s as simple as watching a show or movie or painting your nails!

I stand by what I said before, it’s not selfish to take care of yourself. It’s 100% necessary! Especially now, we are all probably feeling some kind of way. Whether that’s feeling stuck, unmotivated, un inspired, frustrated, sad, blah, or anywhere in between. These simple ways to practice some much needed self care are sure to help you get out of those blah feelings and back into your happy, spunky self!

Simple Ways To Practice Self Care; Pt 2

  1. write in your journal
  2. make a gratitude list and fill it with things you’re thankful for
  3. take yourself out for coffee
  4. practice meditating
  5. write down 5 things you love about yourself
  6. cozy up in a comfy blanket
  7. light your favorite candle
  8. bake a batch of your favorite cookies or dessert
  9. get a massage
  10. turn on your favorite song and sing along
  11. DANCE!
  12. do a little face mask/scrub (this one is my favorite!)
  13. enjoy a bubble bath
  14. practice yoga
  15. create a vision board
  16. get yourself some flowers
  17. color! (these adult coloring books are my jam and definitely help with calming and relaxing!)
  18. try a new makeup look
  19. drink some water
  20. let yourself REST

It’s so important, especially in these times, to take care of ourselves and make sure that we’re feeling our absolute best! Of course, we all have our down days, but if we can make it a priority to practice a little bit of self care every day, I know that it will help us all to get out of that stuck feeling and get us back to feeling like our happy, confident selves!

I’m challenging you to practice at least 1 self care activity every day for the next week and see how you feel! I’d love to hear if you felt a change in your day to day. If you have other ways you like to practice self care, please share them below in the comments!

Remember, it’s not selfish to practice self care. It’s not selfish for you to put yourself first sometimes. It’s not selfish to love yourself! It’s NECESSARY!

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